The Golding drop spindle has arrived! Today I went to De Spinners to pick it up, it's a beauty !
Now, I had spindled before, but never liked it much. However, with this spindle, spindle spinning is easy! I started right after coming home and am already halfway through the fibre, spinning a lovely thin yarn (it's a polwarth silk wool blend, hand dyed in lovely vibrant colors). It has really long color runs so I want to try my hand at Navajo plying it on the spindle.
Today was knit cafe at Dudok, very nice as usual. Afterwards Ellen and I went to de Spinners in The Hague. As this is very close to the McDonalds, you can guess where I took Ellen for a treat..! (We don't go very often, poor Ellen, because I'm not really "lovin'it"..)
Afterwards we went to The American Bookstore, and I found "Respect the Spindle", and two other knitting books that were really priced down, as well as two knitting magazines... and a Sponge Bob book for Ellen. Then on we went to Desigual to add to our wardrobe, we both bought dresses!
It was a happy Saturday out doing the things I love best in life: being with my daughter, knitting with friends, spinning, and shopping for books and clothes.....alright, so the McDonalds wasn't that bad either;-)
Knitting projects at the moment are: my giant slippers (to felt) with Drops Eskimo, a Zitron Art Multnomah, I still have to continue my cardigan with the Debbie Bliss yarn before it'll be spring and it'll be too hot to wear! And also I've got two socks on the needles (and they're both first socks, two different patterns and different yarns) so NOT allowed to start another new project before I finish these.. however I've already got the yarn for several new projects.
Also on the 6th of February I will be at the Rijksmuseum for the Brijksmuseumproject and am really looking forward to that. I bought Cascade 220 to knit the hat with, that I will also use for a cardigan that I want to make that will show off my spun faded autumn rose
That sounds like a really good spend weekend... knitting spinning and shopping :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThe next time i'm in the Hague i'm going to look inside that american bookshop, instead of windowshopping!
The dress of your daugther looks great!!
have a nice day!