zaterdag 25 september 2010

A new car!!

About a month ago my lovely Chevrolet Trans Sport was totalled by another car driver carelessly backing out of a parking spot, who crashed into my car's side and front wheel base.
Ater a lot of thought I finally decided to buy a new family car, and it's arrived! It's a Toyota Rav4, a car brand I had driven in on my April trip to Florida. I had really enjoyed that car then, so it wasn''t hard to decide that was the car I wanted.
We picked it up today and I love it! It's heaven to drive...

donderdag 16 september 2010

A Personal Day

OK, folks, I know it's been a long time since I last posted, but I'm not gonna dwell on that for a long time. Let's just say I've been kept really busy with my lovely, but very stressful job where we for a long time were only half-staffed, with my troublesome teenage daughter and (on a happier note) with my newfound love Theo (yes, still the same as in the last blogs!).

Anyway, I'd been feeling a bit under the weather for about a week, not so surprising if you think how extremely tired I've been feeling for a long time, and then I came down Tuesday night with a terrible stomach bug. I just had to call in sick, and I was battling through this day feeling awful and rushing to the loo every hour or so, and just wantng to get better quick so I could go back to work. But then both my love and someone on Facebook basically said: "Well, if you're not feeling better, why should you go back to work?" And I realised that I wasn't in fact feeling much better, felt weak still, had lost a kilo and a half in one day, and that if I went back to work, everyone would - rightly so- assume I was better and I would be inundated with work again.

So I called in sick again today, to be able to recuperate. This to you may be not so abnormal, but to me it was very strange! And you know what: I enjoyed it immensely! I was able to do loads of things I never normally do. I had a real breakfast! (OK, so it was only weak tea and two crackers, but still). I read through the entire newspaper! I watched daytime television! I finished a knitting project for my mother and was able to do a lot of work on another WIP. And I finally came a around to handdying a skein of undied sock wool that I'd spun myself (with Koolaid, something I'd wanted to do before but never had done). Now I realise how other women on Ravelry or blogs I read are able to come up with these wonderful creative projects all the time.... it's because they ARE RESTED!!

Well, I will be rested too, I've had my recuperation day , and tomorrow I'm not working either and will have a long weekend together with my love doing a lot of nothing....