dinsdag 3 november 2009

Elf Not Knitting

This is the second night in a long long time that I haven't knit a single stitch. OK, I admit, it's not quite voluntary.. I've been suffering with a nasty attack of shoulder and back pain, brought on, I guess, by some serious stress factors in my life (like having a teenage daughter, not to mention a terrible lack of pathologists in this country so we're constantly understaffed...or alternatively it could be the full moon or premenstrual tension, who knows?). Anyway, even the thought of knitting was too much, so... no knitting for me. Just some quiet reading and watching telly halfheartedly.

Well it's funny, really. Whatever did I do in my pre-knitting days? I must have had aeons of time to do all kinds of things ... but I can't remember any of them now! And I'm so looking forward to finishing my "faux"fair isle hat (after all, it's a 5 December present so I have to knit on really, I'm not a very fast knitter).
I think I'll go and hug some yarn now....

1 opmerking:

  1. Treat yourself on a backmassage! In de Groene Passage (t.o. Lydialaine).
    Take care..
    Zal proberen zaterdag in Dudok te verschijnen, maar ik moet eigenlijk de kamers op zolder verven....
