My Majacraft Little Gem spinning wheel arrived at last! It is such a beauty!
It came with the TNT mail, actually the mailman was just about to drive his van away from my house when I arrived from shopping. I could just stop him! He had a sour face and said in a very unenthousiastic way "well lady, it's a package for which money should be paid, so.."as if he expected me to say; "why, I don't have any money on me so please just drive away and take the package with you", derrrr, AS IF!! So I explained to him that I was expecting that, actually had the money on me, so could I please have the package, and grudgingly he parked the van and handed over the package! To my suprise the customs and clearance money was only about a fifth of waht I had calculated. So I was overjoyed! It hadn't cost me as much as I expected and I had the wheel!!
It was actually very easy to assemble so before I knew it I was treadling away, and the same evening I already started spinning. Now I'm a beginner spinner, and I'm still a long way away from drafting and spinning the perfect yarn, BUT... it's enormous fun!
The wheel came with a nice dark green travelling bag, 4 bobbins, and a travelling lazy kate, and also with some very interesting New Zealand newspapers, so I now know all about what they're up to in Raratoa county, and what the sheriff said about it all....
Het wiel ziet er prachtig uit.....en nu spinnen maar!! Veel plezier ermee.......